will the real introverts please stand up?
or don't, because that might be a little too much attention for you. i understand.
understanding your own tendencies & personality is an integral part of your 20's. what's more important is coming to peace with who you are, embracing it & using it to your advantage. now y'all, this doesn't mean ignore the parts of you that need improving, or justify bad behavior because that's just "who you are" (how often do you hear people pull this line? can you say
i'm an
introvert. and i love it. and i'm ok with it.
this comic sums it up perfectly.
society tells us introversion is a less-than-desirable trait. outward enthusiasm, being a social butterfly, "putting yourself out there" & being the life of the party is how we're told we're supposed to be. but what if that just
can't be everyone? and what if there's nothing wrong with that?
i've always known i was an introvert, but it wasn't until the past year or two that i've
accepted &
embraced it. part of that process was understanding what introversion and extroversion truly are.
so what's the first thing that comes to mind? introvert = i don't like being social/around people. extrovert = i love those things! sure, on the surface, it may seem that simple. instead, introversion/extroversion is about energy, and where it's drawn from. introverts feel recharged, refreshed and in tune with the world when they're alone. this
doesn't mean introverts don't enjoy social situations or thrive in them - they simply need time to themselves to recharge afterwards.
for me, finally "getting" this helped so much. it's helped me pursue my passions, career and friendships to the fullest extent, understanding that with time to think, reflect and analyze, i can jump into any social scene in a breeze. and sure, about 3/4 of the way through a large social situation, i feel like i'm running out of gas. and that's ok.
are you an introvert or an extrovert? or, do you feel like you're an ambivert - a little of both? what role has introversion/extroversion played in your life? and, here's the big one:
do you think bloggers have a tendency to be introverted?