Wednesday, December 3, 2014

review: jack black lip balm

i've tried a lot of lip balms. and i've written about a few, too.

do you ever feel like seriously betrayed by this crap? honestly, i just want a miracle on my lips, ok? i just want it to stay for hours and not dry my lips out worse than before (i'm looking at you, burt's bees). i just want something truly moisturizing that doesn't feel like tar or smell like hot garbage.

ok, ok, so clearly, this is serious for me. i mean come on. i've stepped my moisturizing game up in a big way in recent months, and i need lip balms to follow suit. so i heard about jack black, a men's skincare brand, and the only product i found people screaming about was the lip balm. of course i had to try it.

at $7.50 a tube, the jack black intense therapy lip balm is similar to lip balm's of christmas past for me, in that it isn't a "run-to-walgreens" type purchase. but, as you've seen from my desperate whining about lip products, i'm willing to dish if the goods are good. the lip balm comes in a few scents: black tea + blackberry, mint, shea, grapefruit + ginger & lemon + chamomile. i chose the classic mint, but the other scents smelled delicious.

honestly? so far i'm impressed. i apply this during the day, and at night before i go to bed. i wake up, & it's still on my lips. it's actually not drying like other lip balms. i much prefer the petroleum based consistency to waxy alternatives. while i can't see any visual difference in my lips, this lip balm lasts forever and feels great, which is more than i can say about so many others.

what's your favorite lip balm?


  1. Do you have a good sugar lip scrub you'd recommend? I had one that I LOVED but lost it and can't remember the brand or even where I bought it to replace it. I like to rock a bold lipstick so having smooth moisturized lips is a must. If my lips are well exfoliated than I can get away with a cheap drugstore lip balm like Nivea

    1. I LOVE the lip scrub from Lush! You can even eat it when you're done, haha. http://www.lushusa.com/Lip-Balms-and-Scrubs/lip-balms-and-scrubs,en_US,sc.html

  2. I have an aloe one I found at a Body Shop store in an airport and it is amazing! But you need to moisturize and exfoliate that will make your lips absorb more of the lip balm! :)

    LOVE this post!

  3. My mom bought me one called Chicken Poop (I am not kidding) at our local Farmer's Supply. It is by far the best chapstick I have ever used, and unlike any chapstick I had ever used before! I wasn't a big fan of the name, so I peel the label off any time that I get it. Haha

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

    1. I've heard of that stuff! Haha man I'd take the label off too, dunno if I could read that every time I used it.


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