Monday, April 14, 2014

color me rad! tips & tricks

this weekend i did the color me rad 5k run, and it was incredible! such a fun, casual experience and a great workout to boot (our course was tough!). my brother, colin, did the race with me, and we had a blast. i've been in plenty of races, but never one like this, so i wasn't entirely sure what to expect. i won't spoil the whole process for you, but here are some tips & tricks if you're planning on running color me rad:

01. put your cell phone in a ziploc bag - yes! do not forget this! you'll definitely want to take photos before, after and maybe even during the race, but keep your phone safe wrapped in a bag, tucked away in a pack or pocket.

02. don't even think twice about not wearing sunglasses - as annoying as they can be to run in, definitely wear your own pair of shades or rock the ones provided to you. when the color comes at your face, the last place you want it is in your eyes.

03. don't worry too much about buying extra "color bombs" - i found there was plenty of color to go around without spending extra cash.

04. shower right after - i'm not sure what hanging around in dyed cornstarch can do, but i immediately threw my pants in the washer (i didn't even bother with the shirt - it got sacrificed to the color gods, i guess) and found there to be no issues. everything came off in one shower, surprisingly!

have you ever run in a themed 5k?


  1. How fun! My facebook feed was fill of everyone at that race this weekend! I am loving those purple sunglasses! Very festive for the event!

  2. I did that run as well! That course was crazy with those hills! I didn't buy any extra bombs either and we were crazy colorful. Definitely a fun run!

    1. Oh man the hills were killer. I'm thinking of doing the Color Run in May now since Color Me Rad was so fun!


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