Friday, April 4, 2014

birmingham bloggers, where y'all at?

since moving to birmingham, i've discovered so much in the blogging world that i was blind to before. we've got an amazing number of bloggers here, and in tuscaloosa too! i have put so much thought into how to best bring these groups together, and i've been wishing for a site, a facebook group, something that put everyone in one place.

we've got the wonderful social media conference y'all connect, in addition to see jane write birmingham - but i want a more casual group with an identifying badge, something bloggers would be able to join. because when you google birmingham bloggers, not much comes up!

i've worked with beth of bethcakes and molly of hey there sunshine and we've finally got a site together! it would mean the world to us if you checked it out, filled out the join form and helped us move this community forward! we can't wait to start hosting events, having monthly meetups, helping one another and making new friends!

follow us on twitter (@bhambloggers), 'like' our facebook page, & visit bhambloggers.com!


  1. Meredith, thank you so much for your mention of Y'all Connect! I hope to see you and other Birmingham bloggers in person throughout the year.

  2. SO excited about this!! What a fabulous idea!


  3. Bham Blogger in the house! Following you now!


Thank you for commenting on my blog! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at hello@meredithnoelle.com.