Wednesday, October 30, 2013

bag love: truly, madly, deeply

 my bag collection is small, but it means the world to me.

sometimes, collectors don't have reasons for collecting. and after all, what constitutes a real reason anyway? aren't all collections a little silly and frivolous, be it stamps, shoes or old movie tickets? i revel in the frivolity of my handbag collection - but at the same time, it's very near and dear to my heart, and i'd be lying if i said i wouldn't try to grab them if my house caught on fire.

it started in highschool, near graduation. i fell in love. there was a skip in my step and a spark in my eye. all because of one man - marc jacobs. the classic q baby groovee was the light of my life, fire of my loi- err, you get the idea. i read reviews. i constantly searched for photos of her in action (pre purse forum knowledge, y'all) and longed to feel the leather beneath my fingertips. and then, i finally got her as a gift.

i thought that would quench the thirst, but it started an outright obsession. and it was then that i discovered no bag would ever be my "holy grail", my collection would never be complete, because a new bag would always appear on the horizon, filling me with a completely incomprehensible and totally irrational need. a handbag monster, if you will.

they're a constant companion, an outfit maker, a sturdy tool and something gorgeous to glance at in my passenger seat. it's the little things, y'all.

and you know what? i'm totally ok with it. we all have our vices. mine is leather handles and gold hardware.

what do you collect?


  1. shoes, shoes and more shoes. I am obsessed with shoes. ( the bags are starting to pull me though so I can totally relate to your obsession)

    1. I just got into shoes... they're slowing sucking me in!

  2. I definitely understand your love for handbags! I have a collection myself, they mostly consist of Coach and Michael Kors but I am opening myself to new designers all the time! I say, at least our collection is useful!

  3. My bag collection is pretty sad and I desperately need a new one! Yours are gorgeous. :) I have a ridiculous shoe collection that's currently taking over most of my closet.

  4. Loving handbags...almost as much as shoes. You've got some great ones. Linda
    gameday dresses


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