Sunday, December 4, 2011

holiday wishlist 2011

starbucks giftcards, grey tall uggs, cath kidston iphone case, marc by marc jacobs turnlock necklace, coach poppy perfume, northface e tip gloves & tickets to the national championship

on monday, "dead week" begins. i've got a huge project to do, a portfolio to organize & an exam to study for, so i haven't had time to take photos. i am SO looking forward to exam week being over, spending a few wonderful days with a great guy, & then finally heading to my parent's house for 1 month. baking, family time & catching up with friends at mcsherry's will ensue!

also announced today: alabama is going to the national championship game in new orleans! am i going to be there? OF COURSE! i'm entering the drawing for student tickets tomorrow at 8am, & hotel reservations are in the works. whether or not i get a ticket is purely luck, so my fingers are crossed. even if i don't, i'm heading to new orleans anyway just to be present.

for the next 2 weeks it's coffee, instagram, studying, writing & no sleep. i'll be updating again on the other side of finals. happy december!


  1. Cuuute stuff! I really like the grey Ugg boots, such a nice color. I hope you win the tickets :)

  2. @ elise - thanks! i hope i do too! :D

  3. Love your wishlist!!! Hope you win the tickets


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