Tuesday, November 17, 2015

sharing others content & why it matters

when was the last time you promoted and shared content that wasn't your own?

if you can't answer that question, this is the post for you.

blogging is all about community, connecting with your peers and finding a voice that's authentically you in what seems to be a sea of posts, tweets and instagram flat lays. but the truth is, we're all building and feeding off one another here in the blogging world. we cheer one another's successes, vent about our frustrations and are constantly seeking to evolve together as this insane internet mumbo jumbo changes on a daily basis.

but if you're not sharing, promoting and connecting actively with your peers content, are you really participating in the blogging world? what could becoming actively engaged in your peers content do to change your blogging game?

here are some serious reasons to step up your game regarding other's content.

it shows you're invested in your niche

if you're a fashion blogger who isn't aware of what other fashion bloggers are doing... where ya at? reading other's content and sharing it keeps you up-to-date on the latest trends, both from fashion and social media. if you aren't paying attention to the community, you're missing things. by sharing content from others, you're showing your followers that you care about the blogosphere and are actively invested in it. being invested in your niche is how to get ahead.

it connects you to your peers in a genuine way

everyone wants to feel heard and understood. by promoting someone's content, you're acknowledging this very fact: "i hear you. i understand you. i like what you wrote!". remember this, and remember how you feel when someone throws a retweet your way. make it a priority to give as many bloggers this feeling too as often as possible.

in addition to making bloggers feel heard and special, it can open up the door to collaboration and conversation. promoting someone's content is an easy segway to start chatting about how you can work together.

it helps personify you as a dynamic brand

a dynamic, experienced and well-rounded blog isn't just screaming about what they have to offer 24/7. we all have valuable content to offer and fresh perspectives. by directing folks to what you consider valuable resources, posts and bloggers in your niche, you're establishing yourself as an expert, in addition to providing well-rounded information for your readers.

so, how can you put other's content first? we're all busy bloggers who are sometimes struggling to get our own content out - how do you add someone else's content to the mix? set small goals for yourself. for example, an item on your to-do list for the week could be: "read, comment on and promote 5 other blog posts". treat this to-do item like you would another other, and prioritize it. you can even use a tool like hootsuite or buffer to schedule these promotions.

simply remembering to promote content is worth noting, too. you can browse a blog post on your lunch break, so take the quick extra few seconds to tweet it, too.

what can you do to share content in your niche this week?

want to read more about blogging & social media? try these posts:

overcoming blogging self doubt

setting up side-gig work hours

5 steps to developing your blog's branding & voice


  1. GREAT post! Thanks for covering this topic!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you La Costa! I'm so grateful for your comment.

  3. This is such a great post! Definitely an item I'm wanting to improve on this year. There's so much great content out there!

  4. Meredith,
    Thank you for sharing this. I have been a member of Birmingham Bloggers for awhile now, and I am looking for ways to build relationships with other bloggers. I blog on www.walkinginmydestiny.com, from my hometown of Gadsden, AL, and I have found out the hard way just how hard building all this is (LOL). I didn't get to attend the Pinterest Seminar because of work, so I have been mulling over the notes you left on the website. Some of them, I have already accomplished, pre the read.

    You have been a God-send, and I just wanted to say "Thank You"...for all you do! God Bless!

    1. Jason, you have truly made my day. I am so grateful for your participation in the blogging community. Please keep writing! You are doing a great job forging relationships and getting your content out there -- keep it up.


Thank you for commenting on my blog! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at hello@meredithnoelle.com.