Wednesday, July 9, 2014

glorifying busy + life behind the blog

i've been busy lately.

actually, busy is an understatement.

between working 70 hour weeks at my day job, managing birmingham bloggers, social media, preparing to travel the entire month of july and recently learning i'll be moving in the next two months, i haven't really had a second to breathe. or do my laundry. or go to the gym. normally my days are structured, i get to leave work at 5pm, i have time to meal prep, do my yoga, get drinks with friends, and breathe. not lately. but, for someone who thrives on routine, i'm doing surprisingly well having it all thrown out of wack. i'm not sure if i'm just functioning on some bizarre auto-pilot mode or what.

busy, busy, busy. we're all so busy. and we use that excuse for everything. caught up in our own busyness, it often feels impossible that anyone be busier than us or even begin to parallel the madness our life sometimes feels it is.

lately i've tried to remind myself that i'm but a piece of the puzzle. that my busyness is no more or less important than anyone else's, and that we all deserve a breather every now and then. i'm trying not to glorify 'busy'. i'm trying to be grateful and receptive to 'busy', but able to take a step back and take care of myself. busy isn't validation, busy isn't a purpose, busy is a word we use to feel important sometimes.

i still have time for what matters - myself, my relationships and my well-being. and letting busy overtake that isn't cool. (aka i have got to stop ordering takeout to the office)

be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


  1. I totally understand this post. I was just having a long heart to heart about being too busy and being unhappy with all of the business. Mainly because I am forgetting things that are important too me and I hate that. Like exercise and organization. All of that has been thrown out of the window right now and I hate it. I have to get back to the point where I am taking care of me and my needs. Loved reading this post!

    1. Thanks for reading Jeniese! It takes an extra push to force myself to follow my routine when things are so crazy - but slowly I'm getting the hang of it.

  2. I hope things slow down a little for you! I hate being busy in the summer when all I want is to chill and take it easy!

    1. Thanks Nadine! It's driving me crazy basically living in my office when the weather is so beautiful!

  3. Life does get overwhelming at times. I'm glad you noticed in time to be still for a few moments and breathe. I hope things calm down for you soon. Are you moving out of state?

    1. Thanks Logan! And nope! I'm staying in my same neighborhood actually haha.

  4. I know the feeling girl! I go straight from work to my house where I sit BACK down at my computer and do school work for hours on end. Trying to fit life, wedding planning, the gym, etc... in there is hard. It sounds like you're doing a fab job though!

  5. I know how you feel! I thrive on routine too and lately it's been all out of whack so I feel like the rest of my life is too. Just do your best, thats all you can do - and try to not get overwhelmed. Just remember you are doing a wonderful job! xo - Hope


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