Wednesday, July 16, 2014

in-flight essentials

july is insane for me - work is nuts, and i picked the most inopportune month to travel my heart out. it just sorta happened that way. it's been a minute since i've been on a plane - 2010, exactly. i had to ask my friend mike to remind me how the whole process works. "where do i get my tickets again? how many bags can i take?"

as you're reading this, i'm on my way to atlanta to hop on a flight to denver for a little mini vacation. i know, i know, i was JUST in atlanta for the southern blog society's 2nd annual conference -- but flights out of birmingham are crazy pricy. i've never been to colorado before, and i'm super excited to see real mountains (not to knock you, birmingham, but i dunno if red mountain counts).

i'm using my kate spade andee bag as my carry on. it's the biggest bag i've got, and it easily fits everything i need. i actually bought one of those silly airplane pillows for my neck. will it help out? i mean, maybe. i've loaded up my ipad mini with movies, books and other things to keep me entertained. and i can't forget my quest bar - i'm going to attempt to stick to my diet while i'm traveling this month. keyword: attempt.

don't forget -- birmingham bloggers, if you're in town this weekend, don't forget to head to see jane write's bloganista mini con! also, stay tuned for my #SBSCon part 2 recap!


  1. haha, your comment about Red Mountain made me giggle. Your flight list is very similar to mine! I feel like I am always on a plane.

  2. Have a fun trip! I love flying even though I always have a brief moment of fear right when we start to taxi down the runway for take off. I love that you included a snack in your essentials; I always bring one too and people think I'm weird for wanting to eat on a plane


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