Monday, November 25, 2013

mexican hot chocolate

-cough- so, i've been sick. all last week i was struggling to breathe & keep my eyes open. i've finally gotten over the worst and i'm functional now. is it thanksgiving yet? can i just fast forward? something about turkey & family sounds awesome right now.

i was reminded of the lovely combination that is chocolate and chipotle when i recalled a dessert i had at the wonderful el barrio in birmingham. it was a chocolate creme with, you guessed it, a chipotle kick. i fell in love with the flavor. this might even be good if you drank it cold!
  • 1 package hot chocolate mix (make it with milk, not water!)
  • 2-3 pinches chipotle powder
  • 2-3 pinches cinnamon
  • 1-2 pinches nutmeg
  • whipped cream
recipe adapted from real simple.

ps; do you like my little cheap silver target tree in the background? i sure do.


  1. That sounds delightful (the hot chocolate, not the cold!).

  2. I love your little tree! That sounds wonderful! xx
    She Wrote Today

  3. I'm definitely going to have to try this!! Thanks for sharing :) :)

    Glad to hear you're feeling better!!

  4. A) I have that silver tree and I love it, despite its tackiness.
    B) I love mexican hot chocolate!
    C) These coincidences mean we should be friends.
    New follower - { Raspy Wit }

    1. The tackiness is what makes it, in my opinion.
      Friends indeed! Thanks for following! :)

  5. Ohh, this looks so good! I usually don't like spicy things, but I bet I'd like it in hot chocolate. :)

  6. I have the same little tree on my desk, love it!

  7. Mexican hot chocolate is the absolute best!


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