Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 goals, blogging & beyond

sigh... every year i say i'm not a resolution person. and i'm really not. i'm more of a goal person - things i'm actually going to accomplish & work towards. i'm not knocking resolutions. but things like "be happy" or "stop cursing" aren't very specific or realistic to me.

so here's what i'm thinking about as we enter 2015. this year, i turn 25. for me, 2014 was a wildly different year than previous years - it was the first year i feel like i really stood on my own two feet and took life by the horns. i loved it, and i am so excited for what another year has to offer.

life goals
  1. continue traveling as much as physically, emotionally & financially possible. i did well with this in 2014, having visited denver, austin, nashville and atlanta. i am going to continue this trend in 2015 for sure! so far, i'm heading back to austin this spring and san francisco in august. i'd really like to go to charleston, athens, ga, and savannah.
  2. save 10% of my income. i'm good at this, i swear. the holidays made it a little funky but i fully intend to get back on track with my savings (i did just get a raise at work, so here's hoping it makes it a little easier!)
  3. smile and look up more. wow, this is a goal. i can't believe it. i want to be fully present where i'm at, mostly when i'm alone in public. get off my iphone. and look, smile, at the people around me. i don't have an issue with this when i'm with friends - but when i'm by myself, i resort to my phone instead of interacting with those around me.

blogging + birmingham bloggers 2015 goals
  1. continue posting 2-3 times a week, & giving myself a break when i need it. we're all busy gals. i did wonderful in december sticking to my editorial calendar, and i hope to continue that trend as often as i can. 
  2. get a little more personal. i struggle with this. there are so many things i want to say that i write and delete. i want to do a few posts in 2015 that scare me. i'm going to have to force myself!
  3. attend as many blogging conferences as i can! i went to y'all connect and the southern blog society conference last summer. this year, i'm hitting up food media south, and i'm going to try to make it to y'all connect, bloganista con & hopefully the southern blog society conference again.
  4. hold an event/meetup every month for birmingham bloggers. since our launch in april 2014, we've had an event or meetup every month, and i definitely want to continue this trend. with so much going on for spring 2015, there's going to be quite a few months with multiple events - yay!
  5. find a nonprofit/charity for birmingham bloggers to get involved in. this has been on my mind for months, and i can't wait to put this into action. i'd love for birmingham bloggers to get involved in the community.

1 comment:

  1. Smile and look up more is definitely something I should focus on as well!


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