Wednesday, September 3, 2014

life lately... labor day edition

  • i finally finished moving! i'm all settled into my new apartment & i love it so. while i was so grateful and happy to live in a historic home for a year, my furniture fits a lot better in an apartment, let me tell you. less space to clean! yay! plus, i have this adorable new bookcase setup, seen above. everyone in my complex is super nice, offered multiple times to help me move in, etc. -- it's kinda of mayberry-esque. which means that everyone is just genuine and pleasant, or they're all plotting to kill me.
  • i whipped up some delicious + low carb chipotle chicken bacon chowder. and i savored every drop, because it's honestly the best and only recipe to properly welcome fall. also pictured are brisket tacos from little donkey, which is the closest thing to heaven.
  • i got these awesome taupe booties from express & i can't stop wearing them. also, i bought a skirt. i'm not a skirt/dress gal. i'm trying to become one. wish me luck.
  • whitney is the best at cute package design, y'all. i ordered her desk day planner & she wrapped it up oh so nicely. go check out her stuff!
  • i drove to fairhope for labor day weekend! the weekend was lovely except for this one part where a tractor trailer tire flew like a firey bat out of hell into my bumper and uh, totally screwed it up. it could have been so much worse. my poor car (i've had him since i was 16, and this is the worst thing that's ever happened to him...) is in the body shop & i'm rocking the rental.
  • i'm really, really excited for the next birmingham bloggers meetup because molly, beth & i have some super cool plans that we hope work out. i miss all y'all blogger people.


  1. Those booties are so so cute! I can't wait for it to get a little less hot so I can start wearing mine

  2. those booties are from express say whaaat?! GORGEOUS! xo

  3. That chowder and the tacos look AMAZING! So good. Those booties are amazing too.

  4. You take lovely insta photos! And your camera collection is super cute, you styled your bookshelf really well!



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