Monday, June 2, 2014

twitter chats for bloggers & creatives

have you ever participated in a twitter chat? the concept is super fun (hey, it is to me, but i'm an uber nerd) & involves using a hashtag to answer questions & connect with others in the chat. twitter chats range with a variety of topics, but are especially useful to bloggers, creatives & those looking to connect.

twitter chats happen weekly, monthly, etc. & start at a predetermined time so everyone wanting to join can be sure to stalk twitter. the leader of the chat will ask a question or pick a topic, and users reply using the specified hashtag. from there out, it's all about replying, favoriting & participating!

to keep things simple, there's a way to focus solely on the chat & keep the rest of your feed out of it. www.tweetchat.com allows you to follow just the chat hashtag feed, post replies quickly and interact. you log in, put in your hashtag at the start time, and then start posting!

here are my favorite twitter chats i've compiled:
  • the creative's club's #creativeschat - mondays at 7pm CST - @thecreativesclub
  • blog trend's #blogtrends chat - mondays at 8pm CST - wonderful chat for bloggers of all types! this chat focuses on a wide variety of blogging topics. @blogtrends
  • bright & gutsy #brightandgutsy chat - tuesdays at 8pm CST - if you're a motivated, self starting entrepreneur, blogger or creative, this is the chat for you.
  • exPRession PR's #exPRessionsChat - once monthly, date announced on twitter. this month's chat is this thursday, june 5th, at 7pm CST.
if you're new to twitter chats, i've got the perfect one for you to get started with, and it's debuting this week! as some of you may know, i've recently partnered up with whitney of heart & arrow design to help out with marketing & social media. heart & arrow has started up a twitter chat of its own!

#heartarrowchat targets bloggers with topics ranging from branding your blog, blog statistics, connecting with other bloggers & more. join us on wednesday, june 4th, at 8pm est! this will be our very first chat, you don't want to miss it! for more details check out heart & arrow's twitter.

do you participate in twitter chats? what are your favorites?


  1. I have never participated in a Twitter Chat like that before, sounds fun!

  2. I will have to check one of these out! P.S. I'm going to need to know where your planner came from. Adore!!

  3. I've tried to participate in a TwitterChat, but I am usually busy during those times. Hopefully I can be apart of one sometime soon.


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