Friday, March 21, 2014

growing as a writer & reader

i feel doofy saying it, but i say i'm a "writer". i think in linguistics. my inner monologue includes punctuation. it's a problem.

i minored in creative writing in college, which was perfect for me. i learned so much about the type of writer i am, the type of writer i'm certainly not, and how all of that is actually really ok. in the process, i read a lot of books - poetry, fiction, non-fiction. i'm talking multiple books a week. pretty soon reading on my own time started to sound like a joke. between creative writing reading assignments and reading for other classes, sitting down with a book at the end of the day for leisure was unheard of. i was kinda over books.

it's been almost a year since i graduated. i have not read a single book. i've flipped through a few issue of glamour and instyle, but nope, not a single book in there. i bought myself an ipad for christmas with the intention of reading things on it. well, here i am, in march, and i don't think i've opened the ibooks app.

growing as a writer means growing as a reader. in my years of reading other work, i was taught to admire styles that simply didn't piece themselves together in my mind, that being a 'minimalist' writer was a thing and i wasn't just boring. to keep growing as a writer, i need to grow as a person - and i feel reading facilitates both.

give me your suggestions! what's on your "to read" list for 2014? so far, i've downloaded sheryl sandberg's "lean in", as well as a cheesy singles self help book that is just too ridiculous to name. i've been out of the book game for a while y'all. fill me in!


  1. "Lean In" is on my list for this year as well. I also want to read "The Interestings" by Meg Wolitzer but I'm still waiting for my library to get it. The last two books that I read and really really enjoyed were Commencement" by J. Courtney Sullivan and "Where'd you go Bernadette?" Maria Semple.
    From Mississippi With Love

  2. One of my favorite reads has been Malcom Gladwell's Outliers!

    1. I actually have a copy of this book, I just haven't read it yet! :) Thanks!

  3. "Lean In" is on my list to read too.

    I've given you an award: http://magnoliamom.com/?p=18725 :-)

  4. I know what you mean! I have a BA in Professional Writing (think business/technical writing), and we had to write and read nonstop. I LOVED it, of course. I also took some creative writing classes on the side. But reading for fun? No way was I motivated to do that anymore. It took over 2 years after graduating to pick up another book. And I ended up reading 2 in about 2 weeks. I'm back to being hooked on books again! haha


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