Wednesday, March 19, 2014

20 blog post ideas

good morning, y'all. we're halfway through the week & i've got so much on my plate. i haven't really made a post about it yet because our site isn't up, but i'm working with some lovely women to start a local blogging community here in birmingham - we're really close to having it all set to go, so stay tuned on that. otherwise, i'm plugging away at work, loving my beginner's yoga class & being a beast at kickball on thursdays. spring is upon us. i think this week was my last time wearing a sweater for quite a while. oh, and i've gotten into the habit of buying flowers every week - as you can see, this week, i picked up some pink + white carnations.

so are you super busy? feeling stumped lately with blogging? no muse? here are some prompts to get you going again. link me what you come up with, i'd love to see!

01. a lesson your parents/grandparents taught you.
02. your favorite weird food combination - and why others should try it.
03. photograph your city as it enters a new season. do you have distinct seasons? do you like it?
04. pick a food/product, and review 2 comparable products from different companies.
05. write about 3 things that piss you off. really piss you off.
06. do you collect anything? share your collection.
07. what's your favorite memory of middle school? worst? were you a "mean" kid?
08. any advice for college students? grad students? new grads? highschool grads?
09. gush about your favorite app.
10. share your favorite meal, step by step.
11. invent a cocktail. name it after your blog.
12. how do you take your coffee? do you think coffee is an acquired taste?
13. what food do you refuse to eat? could you ever be convinced?
14. write about a big decision you made. any regrets?
15. take a stand for something you believe in.
16. do you consider yourself a writer? what does writing mean to you?
17. do you believe in any conspiracy theories? state your case.
18. how do you feel about your home state? write an open letter. "dear alabama..."
19. what's your travel bucket list?
20. what's your "style"? do you fall into any stereotypes? do you embrace them?


  1. Great ideas! I am definitely going to use some of these as I recently took up blogging again. I've actually been trying some beginners yoga too and I love it.

    1. It sounds cheesy but yoga does wonders! I hope you're loving it.

  2. Awesome ideas!! I really love these. Can't decide which ones to do!

  3. These are great ideas! I don't think I realized this before, but I am also from Alabama. Living in DC for now, but will always consider Alabama home.

  4. What great ideas for posts I keep a list in my cell phone notes for days I am feeling uninspired.

    I am excited to hear more about this local Birmingham blogging community! There are a few other blogging communities in Alabama but one meets during the week....hello I have a full time job, thanks! And the other got taken over by people in Huntsville and I feel disconnected.

    1. We are lucky to have a few communities, and there are some Birmingham Bloggers that meet. I wanted to create a unified group that all knew about one another! Because if you Google "Birmingham Bloggers", there's not a group you can join! Stay tuned :)

  5. this is such a great list!! We'll have to keep these in mind for days we're experiencing blogger's block!!



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