Saturday, January 12, 2013

dior's creme de rose review

i already recommended this product on instagram, but after having used it for a few weeks, i thought i'd write a more detailed synopsis of my thoughts. i love lip balm & i go through them like crazy because i lose them a lot, so i'm always picking up another tube. my tried & true drugstore favorites are burt's bees and soft lips, but the wonderful world of marketing did it's job & made me feel like i needed something better. that something turned out to be dior's creme de rose, which i received for christmas.

price: at $27, i don't see it as a "stop by the store because i need a lip balm" lip balm. it's kind of a weighty decision. am i really paying nearly $30 for a lip balm? well geez, it must be amazing, right? so maybe i need it, and maybe it will last for a long time.

package: to start off, the packaging is lovely. clean, simple, effortlessly dior. as far as functionality goes, pots of product are often labeled less hygienic. but i'll be honest... i don't truly care. use clean hands and throw it out if it smells/looks weird = my philosophy. so no points off for that.

scent: the scent is to die for. some aren't a fan of rose scents, but i really, really am. if you enjoy the scent of diorshow mascara, it's that same rich, velvety rose used here, but a little less chemically. i've had lipbalms that smelled dreadful, but i don't mind smelling this all day/night.

application/results: it applies like any other potted lip balm. it's quite smooth and not too oily, and feels very moisturizing on my lips. after doing a lot of reading about other people's experiences with this product, i had some big expectations. most used it as a treatment applied at night. i did this, and woke up to my lips feeling the same as they always do. after a few weeks of use, i haven't noticed any real difference.

the bottom line: it smells lovely, has cute packaging, but is no better than lip balms more than half the price. if you're looking to spend the money because you expect out of this world results, i wouldn't waste your time. but if you feel like dropping some cash & adore rose scents, go for it.


  1. That's a beautiful lip balm and I think I'll stare at it from afar

    1. yeah, seriously. definitely not repurchasing!


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