Tuesday, August 12, 2014

moving time!

i ventured down to perdido key, florida this past weekend with some dear friends for a relaxing time at the beach. i got burnt (pale girl problems), enjoyed my bushwacker at flora-bama, and relished the beach i miss so, so much. and now, i'm settling into some time in birmingham after a crazy summer of working long hours and traveling across the country.

and to top it all off: i'm moving this week! i've lived in a beautiful, historic home in highland park for a year, and i am so grateful for that opportunity. that little house holds so many dear memories for me, and i'm sad to leave it - even if it is 3 flights of stairs to the front door (which makes moving a blast, lemme tell ya)!

i'm not going far. i'm staying in highland park, actually, and moving into a 2 bedroom apartment. less space to clean, cozy rooms, woohoo! it's going to be a long weekend of hauling furniture down the hill, but i'm ecstatic. i'll be back to regular blogging as soon as i'm settled in! i can't wait for a fresh start.


  1. Moving always sounds exciting! Cheers to a fresh start!

  2. Best of luck on your move. I love Perdido Key. Beautiful picture.

  3. moving is truly my nightmare! hope it goes smoothly for ya!

  4. Good luck with the move! Be sure to share pics of your new place!

  5. I just moved and from one blogger to another good luck! My favorite part is redecorating! Plus finding items that I forgot I had!




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