Wednesday, January 1, 2014

cheers to 2014!

after taking a little blogging break & enjoying the holidays, i'm saying hello to 2014, and i'm really, really excited about it. i don't really make serious resolutions, but i do like to think about the year to come and all i hope to accomplish in a more general sense. for me, 2014 is about growth and freedom. without getting too terribly personal, i've spent a lot of my adult life dating instead of being single and "doing me". 2014 is going to be about "doing me", whether it's building my blog, writing more, taking care of myself, meeting new people or exploring career opportunities. this is my year. and i don't think i can even begin to convey via text how incredibly thrilled i am for it!

anyway, my holidays were spectacular. i spent some time with my family and friends in fairhope, explored some birmingham nightlife and threw a great new year's eve dinner party. i seriously needed an excuse to buy some champagne flutes, and i figured a new year's eve party was the best i could come up with. i did a beef bourguignon, goat cheese poatatoes au gratin & asparagus. it was the most fun i've had cooking in quite a while, and i'm already looking forward to having another dinner party soon.

like i said, i don't really do resolutions, but i do get kind of sentimental thinking of everything i've done in a year's time. 2013 was one of the best years of my life and i have no idea how i'm going to top it! from my roadtrip out west to graduating college to moving to a new city on my own, i can't imagine how 2014 could be better. i really hope to get some good travel in this year (crossing my fingers) but other than that, how can i top 2013?! i hope everyone had a great holiday!


  1. Looks like you had a fun holiday! I have some similar goals for 2014, just focusing on myself. :) Those red velvet cupcakes are super cute!

  2. You go girl and put yourself first! Everyone needs a little "me" time once in a while. I'm not for resolutions either more of a change of mind and heart.



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